บทความและรูปภาพสับปะรดหนาม Dyckia สำหรับทุกๆท่านที่รักสับปะรดหนามโดยเฉพาะ โดย " Q " bromhouse@hotmail.com
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558
Snow in Thailand
Look like we have snow here.
by Dyckia From " Q "
Good morning all, today I will show you that we have some Snow in Thailand.
All are really white and perfect trichome. Some of them are Brazilian Dyckia ^__^
Dyckia Arizona original clone X marnier-lapostollei
Show very nice trichome now.
Dyckia Romeo
One of the whitest Dyckia in my garden.
Dyckia fosteriana Silver Queen X Arizona original clone
Small, compact and real white ^__^
Dyckia fosteriana Silver Queen X Zinfandel F2 # 8
All are perfect for this plant.
Dyckia (marnier-lapostollei X Shinning Star) X Zinfandel F2 # 8
Perfect trichome and nice spines.
Dyckia (marnier-lapostollei X Shinning Star) X Zinfandel F2 # 8
Dyckia Zinfandel F2 # 8 X (marnier-lapostollei X Shinning Star)
Great white ball shape ^__^
Dyckia Brittle Star F3 X Arizona original clone, red leaf with white trichome and perfect nice spines.
Dyckia goehringii new form.
I have never seen anything like this before ^__^
Dyckia goehringii Brazilian clone ( White form )
The most whitest goehringii ever.
Dyckia Squid X Zinfandel F2 # 8
Let's me call this one " Dyckia Bloody Snow "
That's all for this very nice Sunday, enjoy your holiday and take care. See you ^__^
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