Qdyckia in Japan
by Dyckia From " Q "
Hello from Jusai Fair, Now Day 2 have been started, a lot of people come early but a little bit rain.
The Jusai Fair start today 10.00 am - 05.00 pm. so please come and visit us, many beautiful plants here.
Very popular shop.
Many style of decorations.
Most are lovely.
See this ^__^
And many more.
All are nice.
Very happy day ^__^
Many style of them.
They are so nice.
Must see ^__^
Square design.
Just nice.
Very cute.
広場, 広場, 広場 ^__^
Square and 広場
広場 and Square
All I have never seen them before.
Colorful ^__^
Sweet style.
Many of them here at Jasai Fair.
Very busy shop.
Many new people come to visit this shop.
Now school start ^__^
Many things happen here in Jusai Fair, we have very good time here. Please come and visit us ^__^