บทความและรูปภาพสับปะรดหนาม Dyckia สำหรับทุกๆท่านที่รักสับปะรดหนามโดยเฉพาะ โดย " Q " bromhouse@hotmail.com
วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558
Heaven and Hell Hybrid
Qdyckia store on eBay
by Dyckia From " Q "
Good morning everyone, today I will show you some nice Dyckia that on sale in Qdyckia store eBay.
All of them are nice Dyckia Hybrid, please come and visit us. Thank you so much for all supported.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X Heaven and Hell, very nice white teeth and beauitful trichome.
Dyckia Arizona original clone X ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ), small and very nice compact form.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X Heaven and Hell, nice form with perfect spines.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X Heaven and Hell, very nice white teeth.
Dyckia Arizona original clone X ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ), I like this one ^__^
Dyckia Heaven and Hell X ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ), new Heaven and Hell Hybrid from Qdyckia.
Dyckia Heaven and Hell X Sawfish, big white teeth .
Dyckia Bangkok Star X Squid, beautiful spines with lovely trichome.
Dyckia Mercury original clone X Bangkok Star, some of perfect plants from Qdyckia.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X Heaven and Hell, Very long white theeth.
Perfect Dyckia Heaven and Hell Hybrid.
Dyckia Tarzan X Bangkok Star, very lovely nice white spines ^__^
Friday morning, hopefully everyone will have an easy nice Friday. Take Care ^__^
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