บทความและรูปภาพสับปะรดหนาม Dyckia สำหรับทุกๆท่านที่รักสับปะรดหนามโดยเฉพาะ โดย " Q " bromhouse@hotmail.com
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558
by Dyckia From " Q "
Good morning everyone, hopefully all of you will have a nice Sunday but here in Trang " Rain Again "
South part of Thailand has rain almost 8 months. It is very hard time for Dyckia and me but just do it.
Cryptanthus warasii
Nice and perfect in the sun ^__^
Waiting for 2nd generation pups..... please come ^__^
Dyckia domfelicianensis F1
Nice trichome with special red leaf.
Now waiting for flower ^__^
Dyckia Tsunami, one of very old plant in my garden.
Dyckia delicata type form X fosteriana
Soft spines and very nice trichome.
Dyckia Mercury original clone
One of the big plant in my garden.
Dyckia delicata Snow White form
Just white and rare ^__^
Dyckia Snaggletooth original clone, getting better now.
That's all for today. Enjoy your holiday and have a nice weekend ^__^
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