บทความและรูปภาพสับปะรดหนาม Dyckia สำหรับทุกๆท่านที่รักสับปะรดหนามโดยเฉพาะ โดย " Q " bromhouse@hotmail.com
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2558
Just Nice
Sunday Dyckia
โดย Dyckia From " Q "
Good morning everyone, today I will show you some of my Dyckia collection so just enjoy ^__^
When Dyckia grow nicely in 4" pot, after we change them to bigger pot. They will still in good shape.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X fosteriana seedling select clone, good shape with white trichome.
Dyckia Tarzan X Bangkok Star, nice teeth with unique trichome.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X Zinfandel F2 # 8, ball shape with nice spines.
Dyckia Zinfandel F2 # 8 X Sawfish, small size with perfect shape.
Dyckia Zinfandel F2 # 8 X ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ), just nice and perfect.
Dyckia ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ) X fosteriana seedling select clone, good form with nice trichome.
Dyckia Squid X Bill Baker, very nice white spines.
Dyckia Zinfandel F2 # 8 X ( Toothy X Richard Kaz ), look like white ball ^__^
Dyckia fosteriana Silver Queen X Arizona original clone, just nice and fine one.
รูปที่ 10 Dyckia Squid X Bill Baker, perfect white teeth.
Dyckia Squid X Bill Baker, just red ball ^__^
That's all for today, hopefully everyone will have a nice weekend. Take care ^__^
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