บทความและรูปภาพสับปะรดหนาม Dyckia สำหรับทุกๆท่านที่รักสับปะรดหนามโดยเฉพาะ โดย " Q " bromhouse@hotmail.com
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557
Nice Sunday
Dyckia Holiday
by Dyckia From " Q "
Hello all, today I will show your guys some Dyckia in my garden. Most of them are my favorite Dyckia.
As we have known that Thailand has similar climate to Brazil so Dyckia could grow perfectly here.
1 Dyckia Toothy Wolfgang X fosteriana, one of the best brazilian seedling in my garden.
2 Dyckia Toothy Wolfgang X fosteriana, I keep 5 of them in my collection.
3 xDyc. Brittle Star F3 Reverse Spines X Hect. glauca, nice, clear hybrid between Dyckia and Hechtia
4 Dyckia goehringii type clone X Gray Ops, one of easy hybrid so everyone could do this hybrid.
5 xDyckia Squid cv. of Arizona F2 X Hechtia glauca, deep red with BIG Teeth ^__^
You could see the old leaf so each spine almost close each other ^__^
One of my favorite ever ^__^
Now this plant create some pups but not for sale yet ^__^
6 Dyckia Arizona F2 BW Select #1 X Zinfandel F2 # 8, mostly nice plants from this cross.
Good looking even the plants is too young.
7 Dyckia Squid cv. of Arizona F2 X Zinfandel F2 # 8, great looking teeth so far.
Twin pack should be good for limit space ^__^
Wow look at this pair ^__^
So nice white teeth.
Squid might create big white teeth for their hybrid so far.
8 Dyckia domfelicianensis, got red color and nice trichome ^__^
That's all for today so be good and enjoy your Dyckia ^__^
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